Ćiril Ćiro Raić was born on 3 September 1936 , on the banks of a blue beauty – Neretva river, in the village Strgonice, municipality Konjic. His father's name was Mate and his mother's Anđa (born Stanić).He finished primary school in Ostrožac.After the high school he went to Mostar in 1952 and became a member of a photo club «Salko Šestić».He learned photography craft in the photo-center in that town. Since he was a talented photograph, in the third year of the photography trade, he became an owner of one of the photographic shops in the centre. After mastering the photo craft in 1955 he became a photographer in the Institute for protection of monuments and environment in Mostar where he still actively works.
He got a degree of a master of photography art in 1975 when he became a member of the Applied Artists' Association of BiH and ex Yugoslavia.
During his 45 years long career of a photographer and artist, he exhibited in about 250 collective and 61 independent exhibitions. He also organized 196 topical independent exhibitions in our country and abroad.